  • AC services
  • Accountant
  • Acupuncture
  • Advertising
  • Advice Centres
  • Agencies & Brokerage
  • Agents & Brokers
  • Airports
  • Animal Care & Supplies
  • Anti Corruption Organizations
  • Antiques
  • Apartment & Home Rental
  • Apartments
  • imageAppliances
  • Architects
  • Architectural Services
  • Artistic works
  • Artists & Writers
  • imageArts & Crafts
  • Associations
  • Attorneys
  • Attractions
  • Audiologist
  • Auto Accessories
  • Auto Dealers – New
  • Auto Dealers – Used
  • Automobile Spares parts
  • Automobile work shop
  • imageAutomotive
  • Bar & Pubs
  • imageBeauty & Spa
  • Beauty Parlour
  • Beauty Products
  • Beauty Professionals
  • Bed & Breakfast
  • Blasting & Demolition
  • Branding
  • Builders
  • Building Materials & Supplies
  • Bus Stations
  • Business Services
  • imageBusiness Support & Supplies
  • Cafes
  • Cafterias
  • Calligraphy
  • Camera Sellers & Services
  • Camping & Caravans
  • Car Parts & Accessories
  • Car Rental
  • Cards & Gifts
  • Carpentory
  • Catering
  • Catering Equipment
  • Chalets
  • Charity Services
  • Chemicals
  • Children's Services
  • Cinemas
  • Cleaning Equipment & Services
  • Clinic & Medical Center
  • Clothing & Accessories
  • Colleges
  • Complementary Therapy
  • Computer Programming & Support
  • Computer Repair
  • Computer sellers
  • Computer Services
  • Computer spare parts
  • Computer Training Institute
  • imageComputers
  • Conferences
  • imageConstruction & Contractors
  • Construction Companies
  • Consultants
  • Cookery
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Cottages
  • Court & Judiciary
  • Crafts, Hobbies & Sports
  • Day Care Center
  • Decorators
  • Delivery service
  • Dental
  • Department Stores
  • Detail & Carwash
  • Diet & Nutrition
  • Digital Marketing Agencies
  • Directory
  • Distribution, Import/Export
  • Doctors & Clinics
  • Dry Cleaners & Laundry
  • E- Dirham
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Economic Development
  • imageEducation
  • Educational Resources
  • Educational Softwares
  • Electrical & Plumbing
  • Electrical Goods
  • imageElectronics
  • Electronics service centre
  • Emirates ID Services
  • Employment Agency
  • Energy Suppliers
  • Engineers & Surveyors
  • imageEntertainment & Media
  • Environmental Assessments
  • Environmental Services
  • Event Equipment
  • Event Management
  • Event Organisers
  • Event Planners & Supplies
  • Event Planners & Supplies
  • Event Services
  • Events & Conferences
  • Excursions
  • Exhibitions
  • Fabrication
  • Facility management
  • Factories & Industries
  • Family Restaurant
  • Fast food
  • Finance Consultant
  • Financial Institutions
  • Financial Services
  • Fire and Safety
  • Fitness
  • Flower Shops
  • imageFood & Beverage
  • Food Manufacturing
  • Food Retailers
  • Fragrances
  • Funeral Directors
  • Furniture
  • Game centre
  • Gardeners
  • Gardening
  • Gas Stations
  • General Business
  • General Shopping
  • Glass works
  • Golf Courses
  • Guest Houses
  • Gym & fitness centre
  • Hairdressers
  • Handicrafts
  • Handyman services
  • Hardware Stores
  • Health & Beauty
  • imageHealth & Medical
  • Health Care
  • Holiday Homes
  • Home & Garden
  • Home Appliances
  • Home Furnishings
  • Home Improvements & Repairs
  • Home Remodeling
  • Homestay
  • Hospitals
  • Hotel & Motel Equipment
  • Hotel, Motel & Extended Stay
  • imageHotels
  • House Cleaning
  • HR & Emiratisation
  • Information Services
  • Inspectors
  • Installation
  • Institutes
  • Insurance
  • Interior Design
  • Internet Service Providers
  • Iphone service centres
  • Iphone showroons
  • IT & Software Company
  • IT Services
  • Jewellery
  • Kids
  • Kinder gardens
  • Laboratory, Imaging & Diagnostic
  • Landscape & Lawn Service
  • Landscape Architects
  • language Coaching Centre
  • Lawyers
  • Legal & Financial
  • Library
  • Lift & Escalator Installation
  • Local Authorities
  • Logistics & Parcel services
  • Maid services
  • Manufacturing
  • Manufacturing, Wholesale, Distribution
  • Marine Services
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Massage Therapists
  • Medical Equipment
  • Mental Health Care
  • MEP contractors
  • Metro Stations
  • Ministries
  • Mobile
  • Mobile Phone Shops
  • Mobile spare parts
  • Mobile wholesale accessories
  • Mobility Aids
  • Mortgage Broker & Lender
  • Motorbikes
  • Motorcycle Sales & Repair
  • Moving & Storage
  • Museums
  • Networking
  • Nursing & Care
  • Office Supplies
  • Oil & Gas Companies
  • Online Content
  • Optical
  • Other crafts
  • Other Legal Services
  • Others
  • Packaging & Shipping
  • Painters
  • Painting
  • Painting
  • imagePersonal Care & Services
  • Pest control
  • Petrol Station
  • Pharmacies
  • Physical Therapy
  • Physicians & Assistants
  • Places to Visit
  • Plastering & Concreate Works
  • Plumbers
  • Police Station
  • Pregnancy & Child Birth
  • Printer Service
  • Printing & Publishing
  • PRO Services
  • Production
  • Prototyping
  • Public & Government Service
  • Public & Social Services
  • Public parks
  • Public Transport
  • Pubs & Clubs
  • imageReal Estate
  • Real Estate Agents
  • Removals & Relocation
  • Renovation
  • Rental & Leasing
  • Repair & Maintenance services
  • Residency & Foreigners Affairs Services
  • imageRestaurants
  • imageRetail Merchants
  • Robotics
  • Safety equipments
  • Salon
  • Samsung care
  • Schools
  • Science
  • Security System & Services
  • Self Catering Accommodation
  • Service, Repair & Parts
  • Shipping & Port Agent
  • Shoes
  • Sightseeing
  • Singing & Music Classes
  • Social Work Services
  • Software Applications
  • Specialist Accommodation
  • Sports
  • Sports Goods
  • Stainless Steel
  • Staircase Timber Handrail
  • Stationary
  • Supermarket
  • Tailors
  • Take Aways
  • Taxis
  • Tour Operators
  • Tourism & Accommodation
  • Tourist Information
  • Towing
  • Toy shops
  • Translation Services
  • Transportation
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Travel & Transportation
  • Travel Agents
  • Tuition centres
  • Unions
  • Universities
  • Vehicle Sales & Services
  • Veterinary & Animal Surgeons
  • Visa Agencies
  • Voluntary Organisations
  • Watches
  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • Web Hosting
  • Web Services
  • Weddings
  • Wholesale
  • Wine & Beer
  • Yoga Centre


Law firm

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Who we are

On 6 November 2016, Abuhimed Alsheikh Alhagbani Law Firm (AS&H) entered into a co-operation agreement with Clifford Chance to deliver world class legal services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The new co-operation replaced the stand-alone Clifford Chance law firm that was licensed in 2013 by the Saudi Ministry of Commerce and Investment.

AS&H has been formed by three past members of Clifford Chance’s talented and widely recognised senior cohort of Saudi lawyers: Majid Al-Sheikh and Mansoor AlHagbani, along with Dr. Fahad Abuhimed, most recently a deputy minister at the Ministry of Commerce and Investment. Dr. Fahad is an alumnus of Al-Jadaan & Partners Law Firm, Clifford Chance’s former Saudi association firm, and previously spent a year on secondment to Clifford Chance.

AS&H in co-operation with Clifford Chance has eight partners (of whom three are seconded from Clifford Chance), more than any other law firm in the Kingdom, offering Saudi and international clients the greatest depth of top Saudi and internationally qualified foreign lawyers as well as continuity and stability.

A continuous commitment that delivers results for clients

Importantly, the size of our partnership enables us to provide specialist capability in areas valued by our clients and which are aligned with the Saudi Transformation Programme.

We offer our clients access to the brightest minds and best in class support across

  • corporate / M&A
  • banking and finance
  • equity and debt capital markets
  • anti-trust and competition
  • privatisations
  • financial services
  • real estate and construction
  • legislative drafting, regulatory, public policy
  • dispute resolution legal services.
Stable and committed to Saudi Arabia

Our team has had a long term presence in the market:

  • 2014 – 2016 as Clifford Chance Law Firm in Saudi Arabia
  • 1998 – 2014 as Al-Jadaan & Partners Law Firm in co-operation with Clifford Chance

Our cutting edge work and commitment to our clients has been consistently recognised by all the major legal directories and commentaries and we have won more awards than any other Saudi law firm. For an overview of recent awards,

Awards and market recognition

We are regularly recognized for our cutting edge work and commitment to delivering value to our clients.

IFLR Middle East Awards

Saudi Arabia Law Firm of the Year – 2019 and 2018

our team has won this award for 13 of the 15 years since its inception in 2006

Domestic Deal of the Year – 2020 and 2019

Equity Deal of the Year – 2020 and 2019

M&A Deal of the Year – 2020


Chambers & Partners

Band 1 – Banking & Finance

Band 1 – Capital Markets

Band 1 – Corporate/Commercial



Tier 1 – Banking

Tier 1 – Capital Markets – Debt

Tier 1 – Capital Markets – Equity

Tier 1 – M&A

Tier 1 – Project Finance

Tier 1 – Project Development

We offer clients best in class support across a range of practices

We offer our clients access to a team of forward-thinking legal experts with considerable insight of the local Saudi market.

Our team includes some of the best recognised Saudi lawyers in the Kingdom, Fahad Abuhimed, Majid Al-Sheikh, Mansoor Alhagbani and Yasser Al-Hussain, and recognised English/International lawyers, Omar Rashid, Daniel Royle and Mohamed Hamra-Krouha. This unique proposition is combined with access to a vast network of resources and expertise throughout the world enabling us to draw upon specialist insight where our clients demand it.

Our team

AS&H in co-operation with Clifford Chance has seven partners, more than any other law firm in the Kingdom, offering Saudi and international clients the greatest depth of top Saudi and internationally qualified foreign lawyers as well as continuity and stability.

Importantly, the size of our partnership enables us to provide specialist capability in areas valued by our clients and which are aligned with the Saudi Transformation Programme.

